JobTabs Job Search & Resume

March 10, 2009

Job Search Wisdom from a Broadband Installation

Filed under: Job Searching,Networking,Sell Yourself — Tags: , , — admin @ 8:21 am

Technicians yield insight into the job search.So happy to get Uverse. Lots of channels with lots of bells and whistles not to mention a screaming fast internet connection. The guys installing the system were a hoot and we had the opportunity to talk while we were waiting for everything to sync-up. One of the guys was a trainee and I naturally wanted to know everything he went through to get his job. It was very insightful.

Of the 2,500 applicants, 17 were selected. That is not a typo.  There were 2,500 applicants.  Of the 17 trainees in the class about half of them knew someone at Uverse. On the surface of things that would be a testament to networking, but not entirely. How many people knew someone at Uverse, but did not get the interview or if they got the interview did not get the job? We will never know. Out of respect for their privacy I am not going to mention their real names , so if the Lead’s name was “Larry” and the “Trainee’s” name was “Tom” what did Tom do before getting the job at Uverse? He had worked as a plumber.

While I am not one to determine what would qualify someone to install high tech equipment, I would venture that his inside connection helped to pull him out of the stack for a critical review. He was pretty much able to confirm this. He said, “With 2,500 applicants who has time to scour all of those resumes? If the company can get a testimonial as to character and technical aptitude, why wouldn’t they want to save themselves time and money?” It certainly made sense. Tom had no criminal record and was drug free. He was professional, polite, knowledgeable, earnest and had all of the qualities one would want a technician to have when having their high tech equipment installed. Another insight?  Tom was living in another state when he interviewed for the Uverse job. He said, “You have to be willing to go where the work is.”

What about the other half of the applicants who knew no one at Uverse, but were able to get the job? Again, this leaves a lot of room for speculation but without knowing anybody on the inside I think it is safe to say – whatever their credentials – they were able to make the credentials they did have shine. I asked Larry about his experience in the hiring process. Larry also had a contact on the inside when he was hired. He was able to tell me that about half of the people in his training class of 25 knew someone who was already working at Uverse.

The crux of my message is networking is very helpful, but it is not the begin and end all to getting a job. If you do not know anyone on the inside, you can still get a job. While JobTabs Job Search & Resume is geared primarily at professionals, there are insightful lessons to be learned from Larry and Tom’s job search experience.

John Coffey is the President of JobTabs, LLC.  Through JobTabs Job Search & Resume, thousands of job seekers have taken control of their destiny in finding new and fulfilling careers.  JobTabs Job Search & Resume motivates job seekers by making the job search easier by a huge order of magnitude.  John Coffey can be reached via his website at JobTabs Job Search & Resume, by email via jpcoffey at, and by phone at 404-255-0248.


March 6, 2009

Unemployment 8.1% – Perspective

Filed under: Job Searching,JobTabs,Motivation,Sell Yourself — Tags: , , , — admin @ 12:30 pm

Perspective on high unemployment during the job search or job hunt.The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says February unemployment checks in at 8.1 percent.  That would be 651,000 jobs in the tank.

Ouch.  Breath in . . . . . breath out . . . . This is mind numbing news.  The kind of news when you just sit there in front of the tube in utter disbelief, kind of trying to drink in the impact of the news.  What have we done to ourselves? While this is hardly a 9/11, I can’t remember being immobilized in front of the TV at any point since 9/11.  On that fateful day, I sat in front of the TV in utter disbelief.  I didn’t call in to say I would be late to work.  I didn’t worry about what kind of reception I would get when I got there.  I staggered in at about 10:00 a.m. that morning and the office was deserted.  The only people there were sitting in front of their computers crying.  Again, 8.1% unemployment is no 9/11 but it is the kind of news that said things are going to be very different from now on.

As a mentor to job seekers my job is to put this news in perspective.


There are less openings to go around, but there are still lots of openings. You cannot allow this to escape you.  An 8.1% unemployment rate is not going to bring this economy to a halt.  I’m not going to get all technical on you, but full employment is roughly around 4%.  Full employment means that there would be 4 out of every 100 people looking for a job even if the economy was running at full throttle.  So now we have a little more than 8 people out of a 100 looking for a job.  This means if 92 people out of 100 are working,  then there are 92 jobs that need to get done.   This is 92 jobs that companies will pay people to do and your job is to find one or get the company to create it on your behalf because you are so good at what you do.  Again, 92 out of every 100 people have jobs that are worth being paid for.


Sophomore level economics states that price is the equilibrium point where supply equals demand.  Since there is a high supply of people looking for a job, prepare to take a good deal less than what you would normally accept.  Its a downer, but it is a stark reality of the economy.  Again, bite the bullet.  To illustrate, remember when you didn’t sell any stock two months ago because the price was too low?  What is the value of those stocks now?  Again, take it on the chin.  Accept the lesser income and you will be glad you did.  If you could have got more, you can take that up with your boss once you start adding value.

Gloves Off

Take the gloves off.  In a particularly competitive job market you need to milk every advantage you can get.  It does not matter if someone is better trained or has better experience than you do.  This is a stark reality of the job market.  Your ability to sell yourself as the person the company needs the most is the sole determinant of who gets the job. If you can morph your experience on your resume more easily than the next guy – more power to you.  If you have a tool that tracks your job search activity in the background while you focus on your job search that is a feather in your cap.  If you are able to employ a resource that allows you to reach wider and dig deeper than you have an advantage and nobody would knock you for leveraging that advantage.  Look at some of these solutions and see if you can find one you can use.

In closing, once you get over the jolt it is time to roll up your sleeves and get on with the business of life.  I welcome your comments below and encourage a dialog on this very alarming news.

John Coffey is the President of JobTabs, LLC.  Through JobTabs Job Search & Resume, thousands of job seekers have taken control of their destiny in finding new and fulfilling careers.  JobTabs Job Search & Resume motivates job seekers by making the job search easier by a huge order of magnitude.  John Coffey can be reached via his website at JobTabs Job Search & Resume, by email via jpcoffey at, and by phone at 404-255-0248.


March 5, 2009

The Job Search Game Plan

Filed under: Job Searching,Motivation,Networking — Tags: , , , — admin @ 12:36 am

Image of a football huddle.If your job search isn’t going anywhere, how can you change it if you never had a game plan in the first place?

Show me someone who advocates looking for a job by the seat of your pants and I will show you someone who is unemployed.  Gentle reader, a game plan doesn’t have to be a complicated flow chart or something constraining.  A simple agenda is all we are talking about.  The means which people use to find their next job will be as varied as the people themselves. What works for Bob may not work for Ann, however anything that helps both Bob and Ann keep their head on straight and objectively plan and implement their job search will work for both of them.

I work with a lot of job seekers and I often advise them to work with  job listings and recruiters first.  Most people are not used to writing or even looking for a job for that matter. This is the reason that I advise them to, initially, work the job boards. They have to get in the groove of selling themselves and that like many things this will take practice. While networking is touted as the best means of getting a job, it is better to make a mistake/faux pas on your job search in the anonymity of cyberspace than it is to make a mistake networking with your next door neighbor.

The recruiters will serve as pseudo-career coaches because when you meet with a recruiter, that recruiter can give you a lot of advice on honing your resume and helping you sell yourself. Granted, a cannot recruiter provide the comprehensive feedback that a career coach can provide. However, when you work with a recruiter you are, so to speak, their product, and they have a vested interest in helping you convince employers that you are the candidate of choice. Recruiters are battle hardened professionals and they have much to gain by helping you get a job offer.

After job seekers prep their skills with job boards and recruiters, I encourage them to start working their network. They will be much better at selling their qualifications after getting some exposure to recruiters and job boards. Planning/implementing your job search is important.  Write down, how many jobs you will apply to on the job boards.  Commit to sitting down face to face with recruiters in an effort to get their feedback on your marketability.  Beg them to shoot straight with you  if you have to – just get the facts. Come up with a plan that allows flexibility to create more resumes and tweak each one depending on the requirements solicited.  Schedule time to meet with your networking groups.  Finally – and this is so important – review the plan and change it.  You know, like wash, rinse, repeat.

Show me someone who advocates looking for a job by the seat of your pants and I will show you someone who is unemployed.

As job seekers work with different channels, their job search skills need to evolve and get stronger. They need to build upon a foundation and pay dividends. The job search for most job seekers is a crap shoot where you put your chips on the table and roll the dice. As the job search progresses they think they are becoming better job seekers, but in actuality they are just becoming better gamblers. It is still a losing game and is leading job seekers down a path of dejection and despondency. They can’t see that because they have no plan nor a record of a an implementation to give themselves or a mentor/career coach an objective view as to what they have been doing.   Write down your goals, write down your agenda, and stick to it until it is time to reevaluate it.

John Coffey is the President of JobTabs, LLC.  Through JobTabs Job Search & Resume, thousands of job seekers have taken control of their destiny in finding new and fulfilling careers.  JobTabs Job Search & Resume motivates job seekers by making the job search easier by a huge order of magnitude.  John Coffey can be reached via his website at JobTabs Job Search & Resume, by email via jpcoffey at, as well as by phone at 404-255-0248.


March 3, 2009

Job Searching – Employ A Tool

Filed under: Job Searching,JobTabs,Motivation — Tags: , , , , , — admin @ 12:32 am

Employ a tool when job searching.The job search can be a maddening experience for many reasons, but one of the biggest reasons is the organizational burden it imposes.  Consider all of the jobs you will eventually apply to.  Whether they are sourced from your professional network, the web, or the newspaper you are going to have to have to keep track of exactly which job you applied to.  Then we have the research that applies to each and every employer.  That needs to be collected, catalogued, and readily available should they decide to interview you.  Which resume did you send them?  And all of those cover letters that you crafted with pain staking detail.  Keeping those at the ready is just as important as managing your resumes.  With all of the paper work it can be extremely taxing for even very organized people to keep track of.  If it is tough for organized people to manage it all, what are normal people supposed to do?

Employ a tool when job searching. You can google “job search software” or go to and type in “job search” to evaluate packages as there are lots of them out there.  We suggest keeping the following key points in mind when weighing the value of different packages.

MS Word. A first rate tool will be seamlessly integrated with MS Word or employ a word processor that will create MS Word documents.  In addition to making you look more professional, many employers prefer resumes in MS Word format.  You should make this a consideration a priority when looking for a tool.

Manage Resumes. As you pursue different opportunities, there will invariably be some shade of gray of the job requirements that you will need to include in your resume.  The likelihood of finding a job that mirrors your experience exactly will be few and far between.  A professional caliber tool will be able to manage all of the different resumes you have created to qualify yourself for different positions.  A tool that will keep a history of each resume as it changes over time will be an added plus.

Employ Templates. We firmly believe cover letters should be tailored to each and every job.  However, do you really want to type your salutation, address and closing paragraph every time?  The repetitive nature of the job search can sap job seekers of their motivation and you should consider a tool that will allow you to side step any work that smacks of repetition.

Jobs. Whether you find the job on the web or through your professional network you will need to capture every detail you possibly can – permanently.  If the employer gets enough resumes and they pull the job posting off of will you be able to remember the details of the listing?  Consider a tool that can capture listings and save them permanently.

Details. If you are serious about your job search, you will want to have a copy of every email you send anybody during the course of your job search.  This should include notes of every conversation you have as well.  You should be able to catalog all of your research on each employer and have it at the ready as well.

Automatic. This final consideration, we cannot emphasize enough.  Employ a tool that automates the job search as much as possible.  In other words, if you have to log every job search activity you do, aren’t you just working with a glorified spreadsheet?  Isn’t that what you were doing before?  If you send an email and you have to make a note of it aren’t you just adding to your burden?  If you change your resume and have to make a note of it aren’t you encumbering yourself unnecessarily?  We emphasize this, because most people are not prepared for the considerable amount of effort they are going to have to put forth to find the job that is going to bring them the happiness they are looking for.  Repetitive, mind numbing work is what so many people dread when looking for a job.  Employ a tool that can do it for you.  Unless you can nullify much of the administrative burden, you are going to be belaboring yourself unnecessarily.  To summarize,

  • When you find a job you want to pursue, there should be no cutting and pasting.  You should be able to save it automatically.
  • When you create a new resume from an existing resume, it should be added to your arsenal of resumes automatically.  When you change a resume, you should be able to continue your job search without having to record any changes you made to that resume.  Yet you should still have all of the details of the prior versions in case a prior recipient wants to review it with you.
  • When you want to edit your resume, it should open up in MS Word or a word processor of that caliber automatically and keep a record of the changes so you don’t have to.
  • Every time you send an email it should be logged automatically.  This will allow you to focus on your job search.
  • You should have a bird’s eye view of your status of every one of your job applications – based not on your ability to log events – but based on what you have accomplished in  your job search.

Above all else, you should not have to log a single thing, because to do so would be to tax yourself even more.  No doubt this is a tall order to fill, but these tools are out there and they can be had for less than $50.  Our favorite is JobTabs Job Search & Resume.  JobTabs fulfils all of these requirements and then some.  Alternatively, you can google “job search software” or go to to search for options.   Liberate yourself from the administrative conundrum of the job search.  You will be able to apply to jobs more easily, gain more confidence, and ultimately get better job offers.

John Coffey is the President of JobTabs, LLC.  Through JobTabs Job Search & Resume, thousands of job seekers have taken control of their destiny in finding new and fulfilling careers.  JobTabs Job Search & Resume motivates job seekers by making the job search easier by a huge order of magnitude.  John Coffey can be reached via his website at JobTabs Job Search & Resume, by email via jpcoffey at, as well as by phone at 404-255-0248.


March 2, 2009

The Job Search Spreadsheet – You Have Choices

Filed under: Job Searching,JobTabs — Tags: , , — admin @ 12:13 am

Spreadsheets are for numbers, JobTabs is for job searches.Alison Doyle’s blog is one of my favorite destinations on the web. Alison always has great advice and her articles are concise and to the point. Recently, I read guest author Traci Pederson’s article on tracking your job search via a spreadsheet and it took me back to when I tracked my job search via a spreadsheet. The article is dead on as to what you should track and why you should track it, however I couldn’t help but feel exhausted after all of that administrative shuffling. I know how taxing it is because it was the impetus that lead me to write a computer program to do it all for me.

Let’s have a look at how Traci keeps track of her job search and let’s see how JobTabs Job Search & Resume can help you do the same thing.

I have found that one of the most useful things I started doing was to keep track of everything I am doing. I use a simple spreadsheet, like Excel. And I do mean everything. I have one file where I enter all the information from any job sites that I join. Information such as the username and password I created, what type of job site is it ­ freelance or regular or specialty. The date that I joined and whether I posted a resume to the site or filled out their own skill assessment list goes in the file too. After about the fourth or fifth one joined anyone can be forgetful.

The great thing about JobTabs is it allows you to keep track of everything.  And I do mean everything.  🙂  The JobTabs Search Agents not only keep track of which site you search on, but also all of the search terms you use when you return to the site each time. In many cases, you don’t even have to have a login, because if you have access to the Advanced Search page you can create repeatable searches without having to create an user account at all.  This can be a big time saver as well as add a little stealth to your job search.

In another file I keep track of jobs that I have actually applied for. Write down the date you sent it in, whether you mailed it or emailed or applied directly to the employer’s site. Don’t forget to add in all the contact information such as a web site address, the email used to send your application, any phone numbers, addresses or person’s names that were given. This is very important for follow-up inquiries. Something that can separate your resume from the rest of the batch is to put a little work into it, read their web site and mention why you would be a great fit for their company or call them to get the hiring managers name to personalize your cover letter.

Great advice, but ugh! All of this tracking, writing, mailed versus emailed, can be an exhausting undertaking. Why not have it all, yet do none of it? Every time you apply for a job with JobTabs, it will do all of the tracking and logging and detail writing for you. For example, if you apply to a job by sending your resume by email, you just open the email form, attach your resume and send it.  You’re done!  JobTabs will automatically pickup on this and log the company, your contact, the exact resume you sent, the date, exactly which job you found on the internet or otherwise and whether you applied on line or by email or by post automatically! Even if you edit the resume fifty times, JobTabs will still avail you of  the exact resume you sent to the employer.  Our goal was to allow you to focus on getting a job while we did all of the administrative work behind the scenes!

Another page to add to your job search folder is one for classes you have taken. I’m mostly referring to the online tutorials that you can find. This is a great way to beef up your resume and get some experience and skill in a particular area that seems to be a “hot” topic for the industry you are targeting in your search. I like to record the web address, any username/passwords that I created and what the tutorial was about for easy reference.

One thing we knew when we rolled out JobTabs to the public is that we had to give them powerful tools to pursue jobs in a systematic way. We also had to allow people to have enough elbow room to do their job search their way. While we do not have a folder per se for classes you have taken, JobTabs has a free form Resources tab that allows you to keep information in any number of formats. You can keep notes and you can also attach any number of documents in any number of formats to include in doc, docx, ppt, xls, , xml, pdf, rtf, html or practically any format you can come up with.

A silly thing I overlooked was the use of various keywords on the job search engines. I was using like “telecommute’ and that was it. So of course it was hard to find hits. Branching out with other phrases will find you more opportunities such as “home-based”, “off-site”, “virtual office”, “freelance” and “work-at-home”.

Again, here is where the JobTabs Job Search Agents come into play. Should the search agents ever fail you, you will always have access to to your searches via the built-in RSS/Atom feed reader. This can serve as a veritable library of great job searching tips.

Keeping multiple copies of your resume is a time saver as well. We all have various strengths and emphasizing certain areas which target a particular company’s job listing will improve your chances by focusing their attention on what benefits you can bring to their company. And just don’t send a generic cover letter with a bland statement, I’ll mention again to at least read some of their company information to personalize it and show the hiring person that you spent some of your time researching them and that you mean business and aren’t just throwing your resume out to the wind. You will save time in the long run if you keep your applications to jobs that you are actually qualified to do.

Traci, shows all of the signs of a prudent job seeker given the details she keeps track of. You absolutely need to have multiple copies of your resume and it is a huge time saver. Our position is that you should let a software program do all of the tracking so that you can focus on your job search. Enter JobTabs. JobTabs can keep track of a virtually infinite amount of resumes. Moreover, all of your resumes can be previewed with a single click. No searching in folders, network locations or even websites. All of your resumes are conveniently stored in a hierarchical tree so that you develop increasingly more refined resumes depending on the job you are applying to.

Your cover letters are as easily maintained. Enter in the contact information one time and the cover letter will show as if it had been tailor made for the job to which you are applying. It really is that easy. You can develop your cover letter template to be as brief or as detailed as you see fit.

JobTabs Job Search & Resumes is a tool that was initially designed for professional job seekers, i.e. IT Contractors, and you would be served well if you took some cues from the pros in your job search. Simply reading the help file will do much to enlighten any job seeker and we invite you to be our guest.

In closing, the article written by Traci Pederson is well written and we tip our hat to her for her demonstrated prowess in identifying the details that job seekers need to keep track of. We do not differ with her in her wisdom or the practical advice she has chosen to share with job seekers. We are only demonstrating how JobTabs can serve as a next generation alternative that warrants a closer review by anybody who chooses to stay on top of the details in their job search.


John Coffey is the President of JobTabs, LLC.  Through JobTabs Job Search & Resume Builder, thousands of job seekers have taken control of their destiny in finding new and fulfilling careers. JobTabs Job Search & Resume Builder motivates job seekers by making the job search easier by a huge order of magnitude.  John Coffey can be reached via his website at JobTabs Job Search & Resume Builder, by email via jpcoffey at, and by phone at 404-255-0248.

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